(Thanks to Bob Martyn for the info!)
During this year's annual Bostock (an annual fan gathering), Tom phoned them up and during the conversation, he mentioned the album was almost complete (he has just 1 or 2 more songs to do, plus the final mastering). He's really hoping the album will be complete by the end of summer (so he can take a vacation in the fall). If I hear anything else, you'll be the first to know!
(Addendum: Added July 19/00)
This also raises the question of "Who's the new bass player?" (since David Sikes is out of the band). It is not known for certain, but sources say that, according to Brad Delp (vocalist), that the new bass player might be Antonio Cosmo; Fran Cosmo's son (Fran is also a vocalist in the group). In case you don't know, Antonio worked with Fran on the new song "Turn It Off" (which was featured on Rockline in 1999). When I know more about this, you can rest assured that you'll know right away, RIGHT HERE!